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A Game of Soldiers

Writer: Nigel SmithNigel Smith

The captain looked around saying ‘send in Billy first’, as just above the ground yet another shell burst.

I don’t really want to bat, I’m feeling a little ill it’s the gun’s ra-tat-tat tat, so, I’ll field behind the hill.’

‘I’m too slow’ said Bert ‘and our Jack’s another, we’d best not get hurt and upset dear mother’.

Jonny was the company cook and held the firm belief, do not chance your luck and risk the Bully Beef.

Cecil the signals man said tactics had shown, t’was best if he and Dan stayed to man the phone.

The Captain began to shout surveying his motley crew bellowing from his dug out I say, what about you,

nah sorry, I don't like blood especially when its mine I'd never make the wood best I stay to hold the line

sorry sir the Bugle I'll blow happy to 'sound' the attack but as for me avin a go I've yet to fully unpack

The captain was at a loss and though a fool and fop, he knew he was the boss and must go over the top.

He walked only a short way before by shell-fire he was hit, bravo! that’s how you play dying in the blood and shit.

Capt Jenkins died that day a brother, husband and son, never fired a shot they say dead before he'd begun.

The company were all sad he he'd such a stiff upper lip, all agreed a nice young lad had been their Captain Pip!

So as one man they climbed out of the trenches saying ‘Sod this for a game of soldiers’


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