Inspired by Tim Minchin's "If I Didn't Have You (someone else would do)"

A Dog’s Chance
Of all the vet clinics in all the world
In you walked, our futures unfurled
Not just a shaggy dog story
What were the odds you’d be the one
Not just some horizontal fun
The soul mate I cannot live without
If by some chance Spike had not
Developed that big crusty spot
Or you couldn’t get an appointment
If our eyes hadn’t met over his crusty skin
Or you preferred a vet better looking and thin
With more interesting chat
What’s the chance my Hippocratic oath alone
Stood between me and the dog and bone
Nervously I rolled the dice
Or if you’d not lifted the phone at all
Assuming I was just a nuisance call
Thinking I must report that
Or if you considered it odd as I talked
The vet never phones, I’m being stalked
What is he really up to?
Or if I hadn’t ended up at all in Fife
Had a completely different life
As a marine zoologist
Sailing the world with an exotic cutie
A dusky golden Amazonian beauty
A naturist who likes rugby and darts………..
But if I’d lost out in life’s coin toss
And fate hadn’t aligned our paths to cross
How poorer my life would be
I love that Tim Minchin song. You pick up the baton from him very well.
like the 3 line stanza, ssomething else I need to try