A villanelle for Halloween

I see through lace, masks as they knock -
that time of year for trick or treat,
but I alone hold keys of lock.
Though due, I’m rivetted with shock
that strangers expect me to greet -
I see through lace, masks as they knock.
I dim the lights, think that might block
their view inside, intention, cheat,
but I alone hold keys of lock.
I used to hold some bits in stock -
a pack of biscuits, chocolate, sweet;
I see through lace, masks as they knock
But grandchildren my only flock,
though alien feet would step from street -
but I alone hold keys of lock
An hour, on watch, I count the clock,
but sure in shadows, eyes won’t meet;
I see through lace, masks as they knock,
but I alone hold keys of lock.
A shared experience
Simply put
Perfect Villanelle
Very topical and the repeated lines give an apt eeriness.